Students Study Verbs
(My child) has displayed an excitement about going to school this year. He looked forward to many of the events and challenges that you had given the class. It is very encouraging for parents to see their child(ren) looking forward to class and being interested in the outcome of their latest challenge. The latest example of this was the VERBATHON your class held. -
L'atelier était formidable!
Ce jeu (Verbathon) est un atout pour chaque classe de français langue seconde ou d'immersion. L'atelier était formidable! Emmanuel Escueta a créé un jeu extraordinaire pour maîtriser les verbes de façon amusante. L'atelier était vivant, intéressant, stimulant et drôle. Bravo! -
Principal's Viewpoint
I would walk the hallways during the day and students are totally engaged practicing for the school tournament......all are having a great deal of fun and, of course, learning!! -
J’adore ce jeu!!!
À chaque concours du Verbathon, il permet à des élèves faibles de faire fureur et d'exceller!!! Le sourire et la fierté sur leurs visages vaux un million. -
RÉQUEST- Cela s'est avéré être un outil très pratique.
Pour ce qui est de RÉQUEST, je faisais un thème sur les 5 sens avec une classe combinée de 5/6. Cela s'est avéré être un outil très pratique. Les enfants ont fait leurs propres questions et ils ne voulaient plus arrêter de jouer. J'en suis venue à voir des possibilités multiples de jouer à RÉQUEST. -
Verbathon - Secret Sauce
Verbathon is like the secret ingredient or sauce to a great French classroom. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have it. -
Most Successful Teaching Tool
Verbathon has been one of the most successful teaching tools I've ever used. The other day we were practicing Verbathon and I told the class that we need to take a bit of a break to work on some other work and a student yelled out..." That sucks! Can't we just do verbs all day?" I just about died laughing. How often do you hear that in a core French classroom? -
Changing Attitudes & Behavior
When other French teachers mention that they have a tough behavioral class…I immediately mention Verbathon. My favorite success story is about a little boy who gave so much attitude and behavior that he would destroy my classroom. Closer to the end of the year…he tried Verbathon for the first time and got the fastest time in the class.