Verbathon Workshops

Emmanuel Escueta, the creator of Verbathon, is available for Workshops

Verbathon workshops are designed to share the ideas and techniques …

…that Emmanuel Escueta, creator of Verbathon, has developed for making learning grammar a fun, active and empowering activity for students.

Workshop fee structure:

  • 1.5 hours – $300* (Minimum)
  • 2 hours – $400*
  • 3 hours – $600* (Two 3-hour workshops are available for one day)

*Plus expenses: travel (if applicable – return airfare from Vancouver, mileage, parking, shuttle, accommodation and meals.) An additional fee may be added for sites requiring extensive travel. Mileage is calculated at $0.65/km. Any other expenses incurred for a specific presentation are the responsibility of the contracting party.

Emmanuel Escueta presents Verbathon® Workshops in English and French. Workshops can be inclusive of all languages, or tailored for a specific language such as French, Spanish or German. Latin, Italian, Chinese and other language teachers have benefited from Emmanuel’s sessions.

Emmanuel Escueta is currently a full-time teacher. He may require a TOC (Teacher On Call) which is paid directly to SD43. More information is available upon request.

Included for your reference:

  1. Workshop description ( EN, FR )
  2. Past workshop evaluations ( EN & FR )

Inquire About a Workshop

To inquire about or book a workshop, submit the form below. You may contact us by phone at 604-466-2821 or by e-mail at

  • YYYY slash MM slash DD
  • Requires double opt-in
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Contact Us

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